They Can't Make A Bad Beer: Epic Vermont Craft Brewery Trip

You guys already know how much we love Vermont here at BAOS, so we were ecstatic to partner with Vermont Tourism for an amazing four day trip this past September. Alongside our sister platform Liquid x Happiness, we recorded podcasts with some fantastic craft breweries, and visited some amazing coffee roasters, wineries and distilleries. Here are some of our favourite places to drink in Vermont.

von Trapp Brewery

The original #crispyboi brewery, von Trapp is lead by Sam von Trapp, the grandson of Maria von Trapp, whom Julie Andrews played in the legendary musical The Sound Of Music. Sam and brewmaster JP couldn’t have been more welcoming, chatting with us about their beginnings, how the movie impacted them, and why they make the phenomenal beers they do. These are legit some of the best lagers we’ve ever had, and the food was amazing, too. Cannot wait to get back.

14th Star Brewery

The border town of St. Albans - funnily enough, also a suburb of my home town of Melbourne - is somewhere I’ve driven past a ton of times but never actually visited. Veteran-owned brewery 14th Star Brewery brew some fantastic beer, and we were lucky to hang out with CEO Andrea and Brewmaster Dan for a lengthy, fun session getting through their lineup and talking all sorts of nonsense.

Bent Hill Brewery

My good mate Rob says Bent Hill is his favourite brewery in Vermont, and I can see why. So clearly I was super excited to head into the middle of the state - Braintree to be exact - at the top of a mountain to visit Mike Czok’s Bent Hill Brewery. The view and the vibe was majestic - I even saw my first hummingbird up there while sipping a hazy IPA. Mike is such a great guy, the brewery dogs are cute af, and the beer is next level. One of the VT GOATs.

If you want to see more of our journey throughout Vermont, check out the full vlog below. This is legit the more beautiful place on the planet, Vermont is fast becoming our second home and we’re always grateful to spend time there. Cheers!